
Showing posts from June, 2010

Acoustic Treatment

The listening environment is one of the most important "components" in the hi-fi chain that is often overlooked. How a speaker interacts with the room it is placed in will have a dramatic effect on how it sounds to the listener. In space scarce Singapore, most of us (except for the really lucky / well-heeled ones amongst us) have to make do with placing our audio setup in either the living room or a fairly small spare bedroom. The typical public housing flat bedroom in Singapore measures about 3 x 4 meters. This necessitates keeping the system small, choosing speakers that do not acoustically overload the room, or resorting to room treatment methods, or a combination of all of the foregoing. Why does the typical audiophile neglect room treatment ? Laziness ? Cosmetic issues ? Possible irate spousal response ? Anyway, I have just revamped my listening room and taken the opportunity to acoustically treat my listening room. Unlike American homes, walls in Singapore are almost al

An update much overdue

Rather unfortunately, it has been ages since I have last updated this blog. There have been lots of changes to my system and lots of new accessories to be covered. Stay tuned for updates on acoustic treatment, the Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II interconnect, Telos RCA caps and speaker post plugs, and much more !