Acoustic Treatment
The listening environment is one of the most important "components" in the hi-fi chain that is often overlooked. How a speaker interacts with the room it is placed in will have a dramatic effect on how it sounds to the listener. In space scarce Singapore, most of us (except for the really lucky / well-heeled ones amongst us) have to make do with placing our audio setup in either the living room or a fairly small spare bedroom. The typical public housing flat bedroom in Singapore measures about 3 x 4 meters. This necessitates keeping the system small, choosing speakers that do not acoustically overload the room, or resorting to room treatment methods, or a combination of all of the foregoing. Why does the typical audiophile neglect room treatment ? Laziness ? Cosmetic issues ? Possible irate spousal response ? Anyway, I have just revamped my listening room and taken the opportunity to acoustically treat my listening room. Unlike American homes, walls in Singapore are almost al...