
Showing posts from January, 2014

Telos Quantum Cap

Like the original Telos RCA Cap ? Telos has launched their new Quantum Cap. Sold in packs of four pieces, each RCA cap is made out of copper and gold plated. The cap is subject to cryogenic treatment and treatment from Telos's proprietary QBT run-in treatment. The red pad inside the RCA cap contains undisclosed materials. Compared to the original RCA cap ( see review here ), the Quantum Cap is longer and heavier. I am still trying these caps around the house. They do clearly make a difference on equipment they are used with. During some initial experiments, I tried covering the output jacks of the Calyx Coffee DAC / headamp, and they clearly resulted in changes to the sound - a smoother presentation, albeit with some restraint and reduction in dynamics. Not really to my liking over there. Trying them next on my Conrad Johnson preamp, I placed one pair on a spare input. The effect seems to take a while to stabilise, and I had a listen after leaving them in position for a day. The mo

Aftermarket Audio Fuses - a mini round-up (revised 8 Nov 2015)

(Revised - 8 November 2015) Introductio n Do you believe in aftermarket audio fuses ? This is a controversial topic - engineers and other naysayers are quick to point out the ludicrosity of the whole matter. Give it a try. If it makes no difference, you've saved yourself some money. I recently purchased the Telos and Synergistic Research Quantum Fuse and thought it would be nice to run some comparisons between these fuses and some other fuses on the market. I took a dive into my stack of parts and found a Create Audio Luxury Nano fuse I used some years back. I texted my audiobuddy TC and he passed me a Hi-Fi Tuning Supreme and Super Cryo fuse too. I tried the fuses on my Conrad Johnson Classic 60 SE power amp, but ended up trying the fuses on a variety of equipment. Left to Right - Schurter SMD-SPT, Synergistic Research Red, Telos Audio Quantum X2, PADIS New - Synergistic Research Red Fuse (US$ 89.95) The Red Fuse has a similar tonal balance to the SR20 fuse, but has noticeably mor