
Showing posts from November, 2015

International Sound & Sight Exhibition (ISSE) 2015

Day 1 It's that time of the year again ! ISSE is back at it's usual venue - the Parkroyal hotel on Kitchener Road. Starting off on with the function rooms, the first stop for the day was X Audio Pte Ltd. Upgrading to a larger room meant that they were able to showcase a much larger system than their usual setup. Vivid Giya G2.It's smaller siblings, the G3 and B1d are behind. Aurender W20 and AMG Viella V12 turntable. Wadax Pre One Ultimate Trio and Hermes Server. Mola Mola Makua preamplifier and four Kaluga monoblocks wired for bi-amping. A close-up of the delectable AMG V12. The brush-like device is the SFC SK-Filter which dispels electrostatic charge. The brush is suspended a few millimeters above the record surface. Wadax Pre-one Ultimate Trio and Hermes Server. Mola Mola goodness ! Very unique textured surface - try stroking one. Swee and Ryan chose to showcase the Vivid Giya G2 speaker this year. Vivid's special 10th anniversary model, the B1d and the G3 were also