International Sound & Sight Exhibition 2018
Our very own annual International Sound & Sight Exhibition (ISSE) just ended. The show was held between 16th to 18th November 2018 at Parkroyal Hotel. Here is a brief report on the show. Big rooms first :- High End Research The all-new Wilson Audio DAW Streaming was carried out by an Aurender streamer hooked up to an Orpheus Lab SACD player / DAC and integrated amplifier Ong Radio Drool-worthy McIntosh gear The Mac equipment paired with Opera Grand Callas speakers Horizon Acoustics Full Grandinote system. Playback was switched by a Totaldac D1-Seven / streamer and a Grandinote digital source Close-up of the Mach 4 speakers When I dropped in, the Grandinote Demone monoblock amplifiers were in play. Cabling was a mixture of Luna Cables and Verastarr. Great system - One of my favourites of the show ! Audioline Live demonstration of different CD pressings. How about a $2,000 glass disc or a much cheaper Ultimate HQCD press ? Very nice demonstration which really showcased how much diffe...